Sunday, March 25, 2007

Recent Favorites!

I had another really fun session recently that I'd like to share with you! Whenever I photograph a baby, I always include family photos, Mommy & Me, Daddy & Me, any siblings, etc. in the session.

What a face! This little guy is a total charmer!

A boy and his dog!

I ended up doing a lot of color for this session - some sessions just "scream" color for me, and others want to be more black & white. Here's one of the black & white shots that I did. I like black & white because it strips the image down to pure emotion/expression.

Proud, big sister! Don't you just LOVE that red hair! She's a little beauty - and SO sweet!

Once again, these images were all shot in the family's living room, using just window light!

Thanks for looking!

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