Thursday, March 15, 2007

Jessica & Mike

I was blessed to photograph Jessica & Mike's wedding at the Grand Fontenot Mansion in Spring. If you haven't checked this place out, you need to. It's family-owned and available for weddings and other special events, but they also have a day spa, afternoon teas, and a b & b!

Anyway, Jessica & Mike are an awesome couple. The wedding was beautiful. I had so much fun. I just love it when I can come home from a wedding and say "Wow! That was fun!" instead of feeling like I just got off a long day at work! I have the best job ever!
Jessica was a gorgeous, glowing bride, and Mike just dotes on her (as he should!)

It's almost time!! She's hiding her nerves so far!

Getting ready to walk down the aisle with her dad!
Mike's waiting. He's not doing quite as good a job hiding his nerves!

The first dance

Jessica's mom & dad - I just loved them!

A soggy exit, but it didn't dampen their enthusiasm and fun!

Best wishes to the newlyweds!!

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