Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Annual Bluebonnet Portraits

I've been photographing my daughters in the bluebonnets every year since they were born! We just about missed it this year. My schedule has been so crazy, and the weather has been so uncooperative; the bluebonnets have come and almost gone already! But, after church on Easter Sunday, we headed to our favorite bluebonnet spot in The Woodlands. The girls love posing for pics! I can't believe how big they're getting. I couldn't help but think of our first bluebonnet portraits, when they were just little bitty things. Aren't they pretty? They take after their Daddy! LOL!

On the way home, we saw this beautiful field of yellow wildflowers, so the girls wanted to stop and grab some more shots.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

what great fields of flowers. And how wonderful to have two great models on hand whenever you want to grab a few shots!