Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Email Newsletter

We had a great response to our One Day Sale. Thanks! If this is the first you're hearing of it, be sure to go to the website - - and sign up for our email newsletter. The newsletter is your best source of portrait events and specials.

Speaking of the newsletter, if you send me the names and addresses of FIVE of your friends, I'll send you a $25 gift certificate to use at your next session. Your friends are under NO obligation. I'm just going to add them to the list. Now, be nice - only send the names of friends who have some interest in custom portraiture. I don't want people who are going to opt-out of the list after the first newsletter!! (To receive the gift certificate, you need to send me the names directly. Don't just send your friends to the website to sign themselves up. Email the names to If you have more than five friends, then that's awesome! I'll send you a $25 gift certificate for each set of five (maximum $100). The person who sends the MOST names before August 10th will get their next session free!

BTW - there's a signup link for this blog (look on the right side of the screen). That's different. That will sign you up to receive an email whenever this blog is updated. The signup for the newsletter is on my website - . To really stay on top of the news, sign up for both!


Friday, July 11, 2008

Sneak Peek! Precious Newborn

Update: Full session now online! Visit the link to the right to go to my online galleries.

I'm still proofing this session, so this is just a sneak peek - I love these images so much, I couldn't wait to share some of them. This is an awesome family! Little "C" is their first baby (not counting the two dogs in the last image!). They joined my Baby Steps Club, so I will have the honor of photographing Miss "C" throughout her first year. This daddy is so in love with his new little girl, he wants us to photograph her every month! He knows that this time is so precious, and is going to go by SO fast. I love my Baby Steps Club members! It's so fun getting to watch the babies grow! The full session will be posted in my online galleries next week.

New Family Portraits!

This was an awesome family - true blue Texas Longhorns! I met the mom, Gina, because she's the director of Christ Church Preschool in The Woodlands - one of the preschools that I photograph. We did a huge session with lots of different posing and groupings! They have the cutest kids! We had so much fun - my daughter Kayla assisted me with the session. She and Kristin have been taking turns assisting me. The full session is online -