Friday, March 21, 2008

Bluebonnet Portrait Event!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Bluebonnet event! We had so much fun! Thanks, also, for your donations to the Phil Barker Food Drive. The photos are online - you should have received an email with the details. If not, please let Deb know ASAP.


Deb's Annual "Portraits in the Bluebonnets" Event is here!! One day only -- THIS Thursday, April 3rd, 2008, 5-7 pm, in The Woodlands. Our annual "Portraits in the Bluebonnets" event offers you no session fee and discounted print prices. Instead of a session fee, we will be collecting food for The Phil Barker Food Drive. They will be restocking the food pantries of Interfaith of The Woodlands and The Montgomery County Food Bank. So, be generous and let's help them out! A $50 minimum order is required, and must be prepaid at your session (applied 100% to your order.) For all the details, including special pricing and clothing suggestions, visit my web page at

Baby #2

There must be something in the water. :) Several of my long-time, favorite clients are bringing Baby #2 to me! One of my favorite things is to photograph a baby throughout his or her first few years, watching that tiny baby grow into an independent preschooler! My next favorite thing is watching him or her become a big brother/sister!

Here's a recent session. You might recognize big brother "J" from earlier posts on this blog - specifically "before and after". Here he is with his little brother "R". How cute are they?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Campaign for Real Life!

One of my photographer friends in Charleston, South Carolina - Misty Woodward - has started this awesome website - CAMPAIGN FOR REAL LIFE - "Only YOU Can Prevent Lifeless Photography!" It cracked me up. She's asking you to pledge not to go to the chain photo studios. LOL!

Here's a quote from the website -

Stop putting your family, yourself and your children through these nightmare sessions with unskilled and untalented chain "picture" studios. PICTURES! That's all they are. A piece of paper with an image on it.

DEMAND life. DEMAND real expressions. DEMAND that your photographer interacts with you, your family and your children on a personal level. Don't settle. There is a difference! You know there is! Try a real life photographer (aka. independent photographic artist) and find out exactly what the difference is! It is much more than price alone! We invite you to take the pledge and show the world that you won't settle for mediocre photography any longer!!! SAY NO TO CHAIN STUDIOS! SAY NO TO LIFELESS PHOTOGRAPHY! SAY YES TO TRUSTING YOUR MEMORIES ONLY TO REAL LIFE PHOTOGRAPHERS!

In case you don't know me yet, YES! I'm a REAL LIFE PHOTOGRAPHER!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pretty Princess!

I've had a lot of fun photographing a BUNCH of cute babies lately - lots of boys, though. Here's a pretty princess to share with you!

How cute is that! I expect her to be riding that beautiful dog like a pony before too long! LOL!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cuteness Runs in This Family!

This is Mr. "B". He's 9 months old now. I first photographed his big sister when she was a newborn. She was in my "Baby Steps" club, and now he is, as well. And, I have to say it - they are both just as cute as cute can be! It definitely runs in the family. :)

Here he is with big sis. For more about her, see the next post.

Fun Before & After

I have been blessed to have photographed Miss "B" since she was a newborn. She was about 8 or 9 months old when I shot this portrait. It is one of my all-time favorites and quickly became one of my "signature" portraits, defining what has become part of my style - bright, close-up, big eyes! Last week, I went to photograph her little brother's 9 month old session, and I couldn't resist catching this updated version of that favorite image. She's 2 1/2 now, but you can definitely tell it's the same bright-eyed, little beauty!

Here's her little brother's version of the shot. I'll post a sneak peek of his session next...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Recent Family Favorites

I had the pleasure of photographing this great, extended family recently. I call these sessions "Family Reunion Sessions".