Sunday, December 23, 2007


Have a wonderful holiday!!
I'm looking forward to celebrating with my sweet family!
We'll be closed until January 2nd for some R&R! We're looking forward to seeing you in the New Year!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Galveston with my Girls!

Kayla and Kristin were a huge help this fall - they were my official "preschool wranglers" on six preschool shoots, plus they helped with packaging orders, and anything else I asked of them! They really worked hard! So, to reward them, we snuck away last month for a mini vacation in Galveston. (And, the weather was awesome!) Since they're little Super Models at heart, you know they wanted to pose for some awesome beach portraits!

Fun Family Portraits

Y'know that classic family portrait, where everyone is perfectly arranged - mom's hand is resting delicately on dad's shoulder, the kids are perfectly poised with perfect smiles, heads are tilted "just so" - a perfect moment, frozen in time?? Well, we don't really do that...

What we do is capture your REAL family - the fun, the love... a perfect moment captured forever! Here are some of my favorite family portraits from this fall.