Saturday, September 15, 2007

Beautiful Newborn

I just got the sweetest email from the mommy of this cutie baby!! I love my job, but notes like this just make it even better. Thank you!

We Just LOVED the PICTURES! ...and everyone else does too!!! Wonderful Job! My husband was so impressed- his reaction was "WOW!" He had never seen your website and I think he was amazed to see how beautiful your pictures turned out after the session- I was amazed as well, and I had seen your work! Thank you so much for all of your hard work! We will be seeing you again in the future- for sure!

What a tiny, sweet angel. She was so good and patient - a real doll to photograph.

Fun, Growing Family

I loved this family! The kids were super fun and up for anything!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Terrific Two Year Old!

First - I lOVE two year olds!!
Second - They definitely make me earn my living! LOL!

Don't let the angelic face fool you - this cutie was a handful. And, I loved every second of the shoot! She was awesome!

Don't forget the Walker Woolery Portrait Contest! Deadline for voting is October 1st.
CLICK HERE to go to the Contest Page on my website!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Favorite Mommy & Me!

Here's a peek at a recent session. This little girl was welcomed to the family by two, very cute big brothers who obviously adore her! I think she will be quite a little princess as she grows up!

Her "Mommy & Me" portraits are so sweet - they're some of my favorites! To see the full session, visit my online galleries at